It's time to read your newborn session guide!

Please take a few minutes to thoroughly read and understand my session guide.
If you have any questions, let me know otherwise I'll see you at your session!
Please fully feed your baby right before leaving for the studio. If you are nursing plan on nursing extra while in the studio, posing for cute photos takes a lot of work. If you are bottle feeding plan on brining twice the amount that your baby normally takes.
Please avoid having any diaper ointment showing on baby’s skin. If you are using it regularly, please be sure to clean any off prior to your session.
Please remove all band aids from your baby prior to your session.
The morning of your session, dress baby in a loose outfit that zips or snaps up the front, please do not put them in anything that requires being pulled over their head. Please keep their diaper loose and no tight socks.
Even if your baby doesn’t typically use a pacifier, I ask that you bring one as they serve as a wonderful distraction for the baby during the session. They are incredibly helpful in keeping your little one happy when moving from pose to pose. Please bring a SOFT pacifier, such as the Soothie brand (without the stuffed animal attached). Pacifiers with a hard outer shell leave marks on the baby’s face.
If siblings are going to be part of the session, the best method with siblings is to have them come at the end of the session only. Toddlers especially have a difficult time sitting quietly through a newborn session. Parents find the experience much less stressful when one parent or a friend/grandparent cares for the child for most of the session and brings them to the studio for their portion only.
I have a waiting area for parents to set up camp during the session. Take this time for yourself and just rest on the couch. Download a Netflix movie bring a charcuterie board and relax with your partner or catch a cat nap on the couch.
I do my best to keep the environment of newborn sessions very calm and peaceful. The more relaxed everyone in the room is, the more relaxed the baby will be. For us this means pulling out my baby whispering skills, for parents this means relaxing and letting the photography magic happen!
Please do not take pictures over my shoulders during the session, except for behind-the-scenes shots (which I love!).
Expect my patience and attention to detail to rule the day. I will spend the majority of a session perfecting poses, backdrops, fingers, etc. and I believe these little things are what makes the difference between a snapshot and a work of art featuring your baby.
We want all of the focus of the image to be on the connection you share with your baby, rather than the clothing. Therefore, if you are choosing to have family images taken on the backdrop paper, I suggest a simple black, white or grey tank top or shirt for mom and a matching plain tee for dad with jeans.
If you are choosing to have parent images taken in the bedroom set up, I suggest coordinating neutrals. I also have a client closet available for Mom to wear as well. Parent and baby shots are close up so most of what you wear will not be shown.
Moms, keep make-up looking at natural as possible. Avoid using too much hairspray, soft hair photographs best with newborns. Be sure to take nail polish off or paint your nails with a very neutral color. Avoid long earrings or necklaces. We want all the focus to be on you and your baby!
Dads, if you’re wearing a new tee shirt be sure to iron out the sleeve crease in advance. Other than that, just relax. It will be over before you know it.
Bring a change of clothes…you may be holding a naked baby. You get the idea.
A simple white or grey tee or tank with jeans and bare feet. Please remove their socks and shoes when they arrive for their part of the session. For little girls please avoid hair accessories unless they are very small and a neutral color.
Have you read all of the above? If not, go do that! If you have, then you’re ready for a great session. My studio is located at 225 E. Main Street Suit 201
PARKING INFORMATION: Downtown parking can be difficult. I recommend parking in the parking garage on 6th street and walking through the alley past Over Easy, once you get to Main Street take a right my studio entrance is just past Norris Shoes. There are two flights of stairs that you will need to walk up to get to the studio. If your maps take you to the alley that is not the entrance. If you need to reach me prior to your session please text/call 541-425-0508