Jessie and I had been in contact weeks prior to her scheduled caesarean. It was so important to Jessie to capture her last birth, but with many health issues keeping her in the hospital leading up to sweet Acer we weren't sure if a photographer would be allowed in the operating room the day of.

We decided that I would come and capture what I could even if I wasn't allowed in the OR.

Why was a birth photographer something that you wanted?
JB: We wanted a birth photographer to capture our special event of welcoming our final child into our lives.
What was the most important thing that you wanted to remember about your birth?:
JB:The most important thing I wanted to remember about the birth was the outcome after such a long hard pregnancy. I wanted pictures to remind me of such an important time.
Looking back on your photos now how do they make you feel?
JB: Looking back on our photos I remember the struggles, the emotions, and the happiness and relief of making it through and being able to look at my newborn baby and his beauty.
Why did you allow me to share some images publicly?
JB: I allowed you to share the images publicly because I want other mothers to not be ashamed of having a C-section. I want others to know that it is a beautiful experience.